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WordPress expert &
Web Developer 

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I program high-quality websites with the CMS WordPress. 

I make your goals and requirements my own and look for the best solution for you.

WordPress website costs and price traps

👋 A lot has happened with WordPress website costs in recent years. At times, web agencies could charge any price they could think of. But with the rise of open-source CMS such as WordPress, the number of providers has grown steadily.

In addition, the usability for the user and creator of the website has become easier and easier. Almost every advertising agency now offers the creation of WordPress websites at low cost.

Due to the endless possibilities that WordPress offers, even websites are nowadays renowned companies is based on WordPress.

Unprofessional auditing agencies only burn your money (Germans and Swiss alike).
It is therefore better to ask me.

TYPO3 and its ilk are on the wane, or only in demand for very specific use cases. A comparison of WordPress website costs for the creation of WordPress websites and TYPO3 websites usually makes the decision very easy.

As we will see below, many website functionalities can be realized with WordPress at a fraction of the cost of a TYPO3 website.

Plus laptop device

A website for a well-known Swiss beauty clinic.
Do you like that? Then ask me directly.

➡️ Typical WordPress agency prices for web design

The budget for WordPress Web Design can vary significantly depending on the requirements, size and scope of the project. Here are typical calculations that web designers consider:

Costs for the concept phase

The concept phase is the starting point for any web design project. For a basic website with 5-10 subpages, prices for the concept phase can be around CHF 1,000 / EUR.

For more extensive websites with more than 20 subpages and an integrated SEO concept, the costs can rise to around CHF 2,500 / EUR.

Costs for the design phase

The design is crucial for the visual appeal of your website. For a website with 5-10 subpages, the design costs can be around 2,500 CHF / EUR.

For larger websites with more than 20 subpages and an integrated SEO concept, the design costs can be around CHF 5,000 / EUR or more.

The moment when you realize that the design doesn't look good and the web designer was overpaid

Costs for programming

Programming includes the implementation of the website design into a functioning WordPress website. The WordPress costs for programming can be similar to those of the design phase. For a website with 5-10 subpages, the costs are around 2,500 CHF / EUR .

For larger websites with complex requirements and an SEO concept, the programming costs can be around CHF 5,000 / EUR or more.

Costs for ongoing maintenance and support

Ongoing maintenance and WordPress support are crucial to ensure that your website works efficiently and stays up-to-date. For a website with 5-10 subpages, the monthly costs for maintenance and support can be around 120 CHF / EUR.

For larger websites with more than 20 subpages, these WordPress costs can be around 250 CHF / EUR or more.

WordPress costs overview

5-10 subpages 20+ subpages
Concept phase 1'000 2'500 +
Design phase 2'500 5'000 +
Programming 2'500 5'000 +
Total 6'000 12'500 +

(Prices in CHF / EUR approximately the same)

Many Swiss WordPress agencies charge double or even tripledue to the higher labor costs in Switzerland. This is one of the many reasons why I inquired will.

Total costs for typical web design with WordPress

The total costs for a typical WordPress web design project are made up of the cost sections listed above.

If you choose the classic route, the total costs can be made up as follows:

  • For a website with 5-10 subpages, the total cost of creation, including the concept phase, design phase and programming, is around CHF / EUR 6,000.
  • For an extensive website with more than 20 subpages, including an SEO concept, the total costs can be around 12,500 CHF / EUR or more.

It is important to note that these WordPress costs are only general estimates and may vary depending on the individual conditions and preferences of your project.

Does that sound too expensive for you? Write to meand let me know your ideas. We can find a solution for almost anything. And: keep reading this article, because it's now about cheaper alternatives

The choice of additional features, customized solutions and special conditions can affect the overall cost. It is advisable to work with an experienced web designer to determine an accurate budget for your specific project.

➡️ The alternative: WordPress website with ready-made templates and lower costs

Not every website requires a customized design. For certain industries and companies, such as craftsmen or alternative practitioners, ready-made templates can be an efficient solution. This enables considerable savings, as the concept and design phases are shorter.

Typical costs for WordPress website with ready-made templates

The use of ready-made templates enables faster implementation and thus lower overall costs. Here are typical estimates:

  • A WordPress website with 5-10 subpages can be created for around 4′.'500 CHF / EUR.
  • A comprehensive WordPress website with around 20 subpages can be created for around CHF 9′,000 / EUR.
Plus laptop device

Not an off-the-peg website - but particularly good-looking :)
If you are wondering what such a site might cost, ask me directly.

➡️ Typical costs for one-pager website design with WordPress

A one-pager website is an inexpensive alternative where all important information is presented on a single page. This reduces the effort and expense considerably.

Costs for one-pager website with WordPress and individual design

If you want an individual one-pager website that requires a customized design, the costs can be around CHF 3,500 / EUR. This includes the concept, design and programming work.

Costs for one-pager website with WordPress and ready-made design

Using an existing design for a one-pager website can significantly reduce costs. In this case, the costs can be around CHF 2,000 / EUR.

The website is created by selecting a suitable template, which speeds up implementation.

The choice between a customized website and the use of ready-made templates depends on your specific conditions and your budget.

Both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages, and it is advisable to talk to an experienced web designer to find the best solution for your project.

Plus laptop device

A one-pager website for a medical practice, at an affordable cost.
If you are interested, write me a message.

➡️ Typical costs for an e-commerce website

The costs for developing an e-commerce website with WordPress and WooCommerce can vary greatly and depend on various factors.

Here are some aspects that influence the expenses:

Costs based on the number of products

The number of products in your e-commerce store has a direct influence on the costs. The more products you want to offer, the more extensive and complex the website becomes. This often requires additional work to set up product pages and categories, which can lead to higher overall costs.

Costs based on the required languages and currencies

If your e-commerce store is to be available in multiple languages and currencies, the complexity increases considerably. This requires the implementation of translations, currency conversions and possibly the adaptation of the design to meet the needs of different regions. This can increase costs in proportion to the complexity.

Costs based on the special tax features

The tax regulations in different countries and regions can vary greatly. If your e-commerce store operates in different shipping countries and has to comply with tax specifics, this increases the complexity and associated costs. This can include setting up special tax rates and implementing EU VAT schemes such as the OSS (One-Stop-Shop) procedure.

Plus tablet device

E-commerce website for a beauty brand from Switzerland. A certain budget is needed to make it good. If you like, ask me for an offer.

Cost estimates for WooCommerce // Shop projects with WordPress

The effort required to create an e-commerce store with WordPress and WooCommerce can vary greatly.

The minimum budget for creating a web store, regardless of its size, is around CHF 10,000 / EUR .

If the budget is limited, the use of ready-made solutions such as Shopify can be considered.

For most WooCommerce projects, the costs usually range between 10,000 and 25,000 CHF / EUR, depending on the complexity and special conditions.

This price range covers most standard e-commerce websites. Please note that these cost estimates are only rough guidelines and individual requirements, functionalities and design preferences can have a significant impact on the total cost.

It is advisable to contact an experienced web designer to determine the exact costs for your specific e-commerce project.

Does the content management system make a difference to the costs?

The choice of content management system (CMS) can have a significant impact on the overall cost of your web design project. Here are some factors that should be considered:

Comparisons between WordPress and TYPO3

WordPress and TYPO3 are two popular CMS options, but they differ significantly in terms of cost.

TYPO3 can often cost significantly more overall than WordPress. However, it's important to note that TYPO3 usually incurs its costs annually, not monthly.

The decision between the two depends on the specific requirements of your project and your budget.

Complexity decides

The outlay for your WordPress project depends heavily on its complexity. The more functions and customized solutions you need in your project, the higher the WordPress costs will be.

The true complexity of a WP project often only becomes apparent once all the requirements are clear.

A simple blog design will usually be cheaper than a complex e-commerce website with numerous custom features.

Additional costs for multilingualism

If your website is to be multilingual, additional costs may be incurred. The integration of multiple languages usually requires translation work and possibly the adaptation of the design to take cultural differences into account.

These additional costs should be taken into account when planning the budget.

Additional costs for connection to interfaces, CRM etc.

If your website needs to be integrated with other systems such as customer relationship management (CRM) tools, interfaces or third-party applications, additional work may be required.

The implementation and connection of these functions usually requires additional development work and customized solutions.

Additional costs for WordPress Multisite instance

Using WordPress Multisite makes it possible to manage multiple websites from a single WordPress instance. This function can be beneficial for companies with many branches or subsidiaries.

Please note, however, that setting up and managing a WordPress multisite instance can incur additional costs.

Choosing the right CMS and considering the above factors is crucial to ensure your web design project stays within your budget.

An experienced web designer can help you choose the best CMS for your conditions and budget.

Plus tablet device

A website for a hotel on the Moselle. If you are not a hotelier, you may still contact me.

Why you need a WordPress developer

The implementation of a sophisticated corporate website with WordPress often requires the expertise of a specialist.

Although the WordPress documentation is freely accessible, it can take months to familiarize yourself with the architecture and special features of WordPress.

Here are some reasons why working with a WordPress specialist makes sense:

  1. Complex architecture: WordPress may seem simple at first glance, but sophisticated corporate websites often require special customizations and extensions. A specialist understands the architecture of WordPress and can develop customized solutions to meet the specific needs of your business.
  2. Regular updates: WordPress releases updates every 2-3 months to improve security and functionality. A specialist can ensure that these updates are installed on your website to close security gaps and optimize performance. Neglected updates can lead to problems, including security risks.
  3. Security: The security of your website is crucial, especially when it comes to company data and confidential information. A WordPress specialist can take protective measures to safeguard your website from potential attacks and security breaches.
  4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): A WordPress specialist can implement SEO strategies to ensure your website ranks well in search engines. This can help increase your brand's visibility and attract more visitors.
  5. Updated content: Updating content regularly is crucial to maintaining the relevance of your website. A specialist can help you maintain and update your content.
The SEO strategy should always be considered from the outset. A good WordPress developer knows what is important. I, for example also.

Overall, working with a WordPress specialist is a decision worth investing in to ensure your business website remains effective, secure and up to date.

A specialist can help ensure that your website meets your company's requirements and that your online presence is successful.

Apart from the fact that the WordPress maintenance for corporate websites through a professional WordPress Support Service provider or the WordPress instant help the constant updates are the number one pitfall when it comes to cost traps caused by development errors:

On the subject of 'WordPress Update' shows whether a WordPress website has been implemented correctly or not.

If the theme has not been created according to WordPress standards If the website has been developed in a way that is not compatible with the current version, an update may result in incorrect display or the famous "blank page". Then Complex adjustments necessary to make the page look like it did before.

Sometimes this ends in a "total economic loss" - e.g. when an extensive, multilingual website causes support costs of several weeks simply because the creator did not work with a child theme.

Plus laptop device

A website for a German SHK company. My work, Your new website.

Subsequent costs/expenses due to incorrect theme selection

Most WordPress Freelancer or WordPress agencies work with so-called "Multi Purpose Themes". These are WordPress themeswhich can be used for many applications/industries.

The disadvantage of multi-purpose themes is, on the one hand, the huge overhead of functions and the associated bloated backend, as well as limited performance. On the other hand, the mass of code also brings with it susceptibility to errors.

For example one of the world's best-selling themes "Avada" has recently caused despair among tens of thousands of website operators.

Short digressionThe manufacturer of Avada had turned the entire architecture on its head in a major update. This would not have been so bad if a decent update routine had taken care of converting the old websites.

Unfortunately, this was not the case. Especially for large websites with more than 50 pages, this resulted in weeks, sometimes months of repair work just to restore the old status. The WordPress costs caused by this probably exceeded the costs of many operators. the actual construction costs of the website.

An additional annoyance: the support from India is completely overwhelmed and refers customers from all over the world to the documentation.

Customer Service by 'Steve'

Anyone who has been through something similar knows the experience of a WordPress programmers to appreciate.

Proper advice and conception (e.g. based on a specially developed theme or using lean multi-purpose themes) would have prevented this from happening in the first place.

Find a WordPress programmer

Word-of-mouth propaganda:

Those who work professionally in the agency environment usually have an extensive network. More and more independent web developers and advertising agencies are offering WordPress websites.

However, very few of them specialize in WordPress development (with PHP, JavaScript and CSS). Most of them work with a variety of plugins. This is how Additional dependencies and sources of error.

Elance, Freelance & Co.

Platforms for WordPress/web developers from all over the world are known for a variety of really favorable developers. For example, you can find skilled workers from India on these portals for 8-15 euros per hour.

If you have a certain level of expertise in web design, you will quickly receive 20 to 30 offers in a tender on these platforms and the corresponding professionals 'sift' can.

Contact must be in English and you can never be sure that you will still be able to reach the developer tomorrow.

Google and its ilk

If you google 'WordPress programmer or WordPress freelancer', you will quickly find what you are looking for. A location-based search will also usually bring up one or two specialists from your region.

Plus tablet device

A website for a Swiss recruitment agency. Looks good and sells. Here you can request your new website.

How time-consuming is it to create a WordPress website?

The creation of a WordPress is divided into several steps. It usually proceeds as follows:

  • Project planningDefinition of the functional scope of your website, costing and scheduling.
    • If a finished Premium Theme be adapted to your CI?
    • Or should the complete design of a graphic designer be implemented as a separate theme?
  • Conception by a capable graphic designer
  • Implementation of the design in PHP/HTML/(S)CSS
  • Entering texts, images, etc.
  • Livegang

The following points should also be discussed before programming:

  • Implementation of additional functions, such as
    • Contact forms,
    • E-Commerce functionality
    • Import scripts, cronjobs
    • etc.
  • Implementation of shortcodes for easy handling by editors
  • Creation of Custom Post Types

To do this, you should use your WordPress Agency already on board. Planning errors are often expensive and time-consuming. Experience has shown that it doesn't work to simply get started and see how a website turns out.

Plus laptop device

A website for a well-known German travel agency. Although rather colorful, it still comes across as high quality. Tell me from your website.

WordPress freelancer hourly rate: how web developers calculate the cost of a WordPress website

Calculating the WordPress costs for the development of a WordPress website is an important step when planning a project.

Web developers and service providers take a variety of factors into account in order to accurately estimate the time and resources required.

The WordPress costs for the development of a WordPress website often depend on the hourly rates of the professionals involved.

Here are some typical hourly rates that are taken into account in the calculation:

  • On freelancer platforms, you can find foreign specialists for as little as 25 to 30 euros per hour. These can be a cost-effective option if your budget is limited.
  • German-speaking WordPress developers often charge hourly rates of 90 to 120 euros or more. These professionals often offer higher qualifications and better communication in your language.
  • Professional web agencies that have an extensive team of designers, copywriters and programmers often charge a WordPress freelancer hourly rate of 150 to 180 euros or more. This applies regardless of whether specialized WordPress experts are working on your project.

WordPress freelancer hourly rate

Hourly rates
Fiverr $30 +
Upwork $30 +
Codeable $100 +
Swiss WP agencies CHF 150 +
German WP agencies EUR 120 +

When calculating the WordPress costs, web developers take into account the estimated time required to implement the project. The range of functions, design, programming, integration of plugins, customization of templates and other specific requirements are included in the calculation. For larger projects, the calculation is often made in project days ("person days"), while for smaller projects, hours or flat rates can also be used as the basis for the quote.

It is important to note that the calculation of WordPress costs should be based on a thorough analysis of the project requirements and a realistic estimate of the time required. An experienced web developer or service provider can help you prepare an accurate cost estimate for your specific WordPress project. The choice between foreign specialists, German-speaking programmers or professional agencies, such as a WordPress agency in Zurich or a WordPress agency in Baseldepends on your conditions, your budget and your preferences.

Request a project now

Do you need support with your WordPress website? Contact me for a non-binding initial assessment.